stones, heavy like the love you've shown
welcome to my little blog ♥
welcome to my blog,
navigations are on left, feel free to read around.
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if you do that, any apologize won't be accepted.
enjoy ♥
navigations are the fours lines of lyrics.
they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top).
04 January 2009, 10:52 AM
8 things I thanked GOD the most in 2008. *dari wenaa*
1. HIMself. *gw brtrimakasiih buangedh karna ampe skarang gw masi jadi anakNya. Dia selalu ada buat gw. di suka. duka. senang. susah. Dia selalu nolongin gw. Dia slalu maavin gw n nolongin gw.
2. still alive. *gw masi idup ampe dtig ini aj tuh gw uda SANGAT bersyukuur. wlopunn banyak kjadian yang kgag enakk, tapii idup gw tuh berarti bangedh buat gw.
3. my life. *biarpun gw gag kaya. tapii idup gw masi cukup. gw puny rumah. makanan. bajuu. n gw sadar klo d luar sana gag smua orang idupny keg gw. kekurangan iyah malah.
4. my family. *gw masi puna nyokap. bokap. dd. kluarga bsarr gw. well, kluarga adalah harta yang paling berharga. n ov cors. harus djaga.
5. my BestFriendForeverAlways. *dy slalu ad juga buat gw. temann sharing n curhat terbaikkkk spnjang masa. hhe. temann berbagii crita pas lgy cdi. cneng. stres. tapii 2 taonn agi dy bkalan perg. huhuu~ he is my BEST BestFriendForeverAlways.
6. d'gank. vellas. cavalids. others. *teman menggilaa~ ahahaha. asikk buat hang out. gosipp. bkin tugas. kompakk trus tmand".. vrensvoeva.
7. my past. *smua yang uda trjadi d iduppp gw. baikk bgus ato jelekk, tapii.. masing" puny arti tersendirii buat gw. and i really proud about that.
8. music. *gag ad lagu yahh mungkind gw bkal keg gnii. hhe. mood suka dpngaruhii sama laguu yang gw dnger. tapii thanks to LP. MCR. FOB. PATD. paramore. a7x. david cook. dll. lyric kaliann amad sangat bkin gw termotivasii dalam menjalani kehidupan gw.
tag : darryl. vanvan. leo. irene. silvie.
Labels: homework
and every step we took we've grown
Yosephine Setiawan YOKO. 10.10.93
i'm NOT perfect but i'm BETTER than you.
arhee audrey
indri intan irene
+ kompi. blog. skolah.
+ nouvelle année, nouveaux me..
+ last day 2008.
+ christmas time~
+ award lagyy~
+ award.
+ hw againn.
+ RE-open!
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+ HW love storyy~
+ September 2008
+ October 2008
+ November 2008
+ December 2008
+ January 2009
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+ May 2009
+ June 2009
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+ August 2009
+ September 2009
+ October 2009
+ November 2009
+ December 2009
+ January 2010
+ February 2010
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+ May 2010
+ June 2010
+ July 2010
+ September 2010
+ October 2010
+ November 2010
An accidentality production
Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D