stones, heavy like the love you've shown
welcome to my little blog ♥
welcome to my blog,
navigations are on left, feel free to read around.
NO spammers. NO rippers. NO copycats.
if you do that, any apologize won't be accepted.
enjoy ♥
navigations are the fours lines of lyrics.
they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top).
19 December 2008, 5:27 PM
HW love storyy~
hw + award dari wenaa~
rules 1. everyone who get this award are obliged to write their recent love story & these rules in their new post. 2. everyone who get this award are obliged to tag 7 of your friends who have an unique love story to be shared then they must do what you do as well.
love story? wkwkwk.
1. cinta monyed yang BODOH. jdian sama seseorang temen brantem gw yang bernama K. jdianny cuma 1 hari. pas kelas 5 sd.
2. STUPID love. pas gw smp klas 7 sampe klas 9. jdian sama c S. knal pas lgy LDK pmr. jdianny pas tgl 29.03.06 hwhwh. gara" jdian ma dy, gw ilang temen. dy tuh tlalu 'gmana gtuuh' ma gw. sampe gw diomelin sama BFF gw. ckck. jdian 1 taon 3 bulan. putus tgl 11.08.08 huff~ trus semped hts an sama dy sampe tgl brapa gtuh gue lupa.. klo gag sala c ampe gw UAN d. ituh baru gw bner" tottaly 100% lupa sama dy.
3. when enemy became LOVERS. okehh. pas gw putus dari c S, gw smped agk depresii gtuhh. okeh. it's really stupid. trus wktu tuh smped ad yang dmen ma gw. namany B. nah dy tuh pas gw masi jdian ma S ud pdkt gtuh ma gw. dy semped nembak gw 3x. pas ptama khn gw masi jadian ma S. pas yang kdua tuh pas hari ituh juga gw ptus ma S. yang ktiga yahh baru gw trima. tgl 23.12.07. barengan jdianny sama temen gw. gw bner" backstreet sama dy. BFF aj gw gag kasi tawu. jdian 1bln. putus tgl 21.01.08 wkwk. lupa gara" ap. tapi gw bilang c gw cuma jdiin dy plarian aj. hwhw.
okeh. gtuh aj d. skarang gw jomblo cing. C: uda ad calon c. wkwk. wish me luckk.
tag : velia. FK. silvie. rollz. anya. dryl. deong.
19.12.08- [18.25]
mademoiselle YOKKO *mrs jasper david cullen cook.Labels: homework
and every step we took we've grown
Yosephine Setiawan YOKO. 10.10.93
i'm NOT perfect but i'm BETTER than you.
arhee audrey
indri intan irene
+ super but NOT supermassive.
+ aarghh!
+ homeworkk.
+ vacumm~
+ ckck.
+ razia pnuh lawakan!
+ bad bad mood
+ friendster~
+ amazing race~
+ aihh~
+ September 2008
+ October 2008
+ November 2008
+ December 2008
+ January 2009
+ February 2009
+ March 2009
+ April 2009
+ May 2009
+ June 2009
+ July 2009
+ August 2009
+ September 2009
+ October 2009
+ November 2009
+ December 2009
+ January 2010
+ February 2010
+ March 2010
+ May 2010
+ June 2010
+ July 2010
+ September 2010
+ October 2010
+ November 2010
An accidentality production
Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D