pyramidchariceiyaz shawty's love is like a pyramid | ||||||||
stones, heavy like the love you've shown
welcome to my blog, navigations are on left, feel free to read around. NO spammers. NO rippers. NO copycats. if you do that, any apologize won't be accepted. enjoy ♥ P.S navigations are the fours lines of lyrics. they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top). |
20 June 2010, 11:18 AM
love is forever ♥
Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever) I was searching You were on a mission Then our hearts combined like A Neutron Star Collision I had nothing left to lose You took your time to choose Then we told eachother with no trace of fear that Our love would be forever And if we died We died together And I I said never Cause our love would be forever The world is broken And halo's fail to glisten We tried to make a difference but No one wants to listen Hail, the preachers fake and proud Their doctrines will be cloud Then they'll dissipate Like snowflakes in an ocean Love is forever And we'll die we'll die together And I I said never Cause our love could be forever Now, I've got nothing left to lose You take your time to choose I can tell you now without a trace of fear That my love will be forever And we'll die we'll die together And I I will never Cause our love Will be forever -muse and here it is the official music video fyi, lagu ini adalah OST The Twilight Saga : Eclipse yang akan premiere di Indonesia tanggal 30 Juni 2010. btw, it's only 2 days left until i meet my BF again! hari senin besok dy bakalan balik ke indo, malem sih baliknya. terus hari selasa, gue mau jalan deh sama dy, sama temen" gue yang laen juga. but, at least i can meet him :) our love would be forever! ♥ 15 June 2010, 12:45 PM
12th grader!
i'm officially 12th science grader, people! yeah yeah yeah i passed 11th science grade, and i got 10th in my class! yay! gue menganggap nilai bagus gue itu bonus, yang paling penting buat gue cuma naik kelas. mat 71, fisika 71, kimia 76, biologi 83. huge thanks, God! :)) ..and my BF passed 11th social grade even his scores aren't good as me, but i'm happy we can be 12th grader together :D sedihnya, di angkatan 16 - angkatan gue, ada 3 orang yang ga naik. semuanya anak ipa dan salah satunya anak kelas gue, dan jujur gue sedih banget pas tau temen gue itu ga naik. padahal menurut gue perjuangan dy di semester 2 itu uda sangat maksimal, nilai dy juga naik. tapi ternyata tetep aja ga nutup. keep strong, friends! we'll be there for you :) sedihnya lagi, gue harus berpisah sama anak-anak kelas 11 ipa 1 karena di kelas 12 nanti bakalan random lagi murid-muridnya :( *unordered list cia jesslyn jeanne adrian thanks for accompanied me with my crazyness for this last one year darryl tejo abe nathan philip thanks uda sering ngajarin gue terutama pelajaran mafia sharon thanks uda nemenin gue les sampe gila di sinotif elvira moniq marli thanks uda nyemangetin gue buat naekin nilai" gue elissa thanks uda minjemin dvd glee, hiburan di tengah" gilanya ulangan gary edwad ferdinand thanks uda sering gue tebengin pulang marsha thanks uda nemenin stress pas prancis as thanks yaa uda sering banget gue repotin fotokopi jebu doank nie" pemi thanks uda mau minjemin gue catatan" kalian, maaf gue suka males nyatet acong thanks uda jadi temen sekelas selama 1 semester, sayang lu pindah :( gio kw thanks buat kerja samanya pas LFO my ndy pribby thanks sering bikin heboh kelas jadi ga suntuk amat pohan thanks mau sering gue gusur dari tempat duduk lu felix triadhi thanks bu siska thanks uda jadi wali kelas 11 ipa 1 n uda ngadepin kelakuan kita dengan sabar :D *miss siska's birthday bash *teacher's day preparation *jam kosong *bbq party thanks for everything, hun. i love you ♥ he's going abroad now for holiday trips with his family to malaysia-hongkong-macau. no bbm and sms for 8 days because it costs lots. only short chat on msn everytime he gets free wi-fi service to tell me that he's alright and today is day two, still 6 days to go. i miss him so much :( 10 June 2010, 4:30 PM
besok gue ambil rapot. dan sesuai tradisi smak5, 1 hari sebelum bagi rapot tuh bakalan ada pengumuman anak" yang ga naik kelas. diumuminnya itu lewat surat. jadi, kalau ada dapet surat dari smak5, artinya ga naik kelas :( kalau rumahnya terlalu jauh, ya ditelponin. sejujurnya, taon ini gue agak takut sih gue ga naik. gimana ya? secara ulum gue tuh gue bener" ga yakin sama sekali. tapi gatau kenapa gue optimis juga gue naik. bingung ga sih?! gue pengen naik. ya iyalah ya siapa yang pengen ga naik kelas? superduperstupid itu namanya. masalahnya dari tadi kemaren malem tuh uda banyak banget gosip", gatau ya itu beneran atau hoax. salah satunya dari temen gue, di status facebook-nya. dy bilang dy uda tau siapa aja yang ga naik di kelas 11a3 dan 11a4. otomatis kita jadi heboh dong? tapi dy tutup mulut rapat-rapat grr. paginya pas gue facebook, sodaranya si temen gue ini comment. sebut aja si YZ. nah si YZ ini ikutan comment-in status temen gue. dy bilang banyak yang ga naek lah. blablabla. n di comment dy yang terakhir, dy nyebut nama salah satu temen gue, katanya dy ga naik! parah banget ga sih? kesannya ga mikirin perasaan orang lain banget gitu. akhirnya setelah kita protes, temen gue yang nulis status itu, ngapus statusnya. n minta maaf secara ga langsung. tapi lagi" si YZ comment. dy nge-judge temen gue yang dy sebut namanya di comment sebelumnya. kalo gue pikir ya, gimana sih perasaan lu kalo jadi temen gue yang di-judge sama si YZ? sakit hati ga sih? gue sih sebagai temennya aja udah sakit hati. apa hak-nya si YZ judge temen gue? fine lah dy warga negara salah satu negara tetangga kita, fine lah dy merasa lebih pinter daripada kita, tapi kenapa harus begitu caranya? hello, kenal aja engga. please deh. back to topic. jadi, sekarang gue lagi duduk manis, blogging, dan berdoa semoga gue ga dapet telpon atau surat dari smak5. please God, gue mau naik kelas :') gosipnya sih batas aman jam ngirim surat sampe jam 6. tapi buat gue sendiri sih batas amannya jam 12 malem. tunggu ganti hari barulah aman. setidaknya gue bisa lebih santai deh. yang pasti, hari ini laptop nyala terus dari pagi, update berita. well, wish me luck, readers! :) |
we'll never fall
and every step we took we've grownYosephine Setiawan YOKO. 10.10.93 i'm NOT perfect but i'm BETTER than you. simpletalkativeboyish FACEBOOK.TUMBLR.TWITTER.FRIENDSTER.BLOGGER |
forever we'll stay arhee audrey boot chacha indri intan irene josephine-angelia vanvan wishing every moment froze
+ :'( + seventeen + pyramid + farewell + blog's update! + your undeniable magic is the.. + first week :) + rpats (y) + love is forever ♥ + 12th grader! a story that was never told
+ September 2008 + October 2008 + November 2008 + December 2008 + January 2009 + February 2009 + March 2009 + April 2009 + May 2009 + June 2009 + July 2009 + August 2009 + September 2009 + October 2009 + November 2009 + December 2009 + January 2010 + February 2010 + March 2010 + May 2010 + June 2010 + July 2010 + September 2010 + October 2010 + November 2010 keep it going
An accidentality production Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D |
how fast the time has flown |