2010 resolutions :
-be closer to God :)
-be a good daughter
-be a good sister
-be a good friend
-be a good girlfriend
-be closer to my BFF, girlfriends and boyfriends, besties, friends, online-friends and others
-go green and do something that can make Indonesia be a better country
-get skinnier
-get a good score for my 2nd term report card 11th grade and 1st term report card of 12th grade
-be more dilligent
-turn to 12th science
-get more serious in school
-do all my exams and homeworks and get a good score at least 70
-prepare my college at UK or indonesia
-use my time properly and not over deadline
-finish kumon english
-be more active at karang taruna and youth
-save some money
-buy DSLR camera
-buy at least 2 pairs of heels
-trip to kota tua with my friends
-trip to outbondholic with my friends
-update my blog at least twice a week
well, hope that i can fulfill all my resolutions this year :)
Labels: life