pyramidchariceiyaz shawty's love is like a pyramid | ||||||||
stones, heavy like the love you've shown
welcome to my blog, navigations are on left, feel free to read around. NO spammers. NO rippers. NO copycats. if you do that, any apologize won't be accepted. enjoy ♥ P.S navigations are the fours lines of lyrics. they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top). |
29 January 2010, 10:18 PM
hell-o pe-o-ple
jujur ya klo gue perhatiin, banyak banget bloggers yang uda ga blogging. no judging, tapi sejak ada twitter yang notabene adalah micro-blogging jadilah bloggers jadi tweeps. terus sekarang ada tumblr. tapi gue tetep setia sama blog gue ini kog. hmm. sekolah uda mulai masuk minggu-minggu penuh ulangan. berat menurut gue. karena nilai gue pas semester 1 agak ga gitu bagus, terutama pelajaran ipa-nya. jadinya gue mesti berjuang dengan segenap hati biar nanti gue bisa naek ke kelas 12-IPA bareng". wew. apa salahnya kita berusaha dari awal, daripada menyesal di akhir? visit my tumblr : click here :) 10 January 2010, 7:41 PM
work hard, party hard!
i got my report card for 1st term as 11th grade science's student. here are the results.. PAK : 87 PKn : 90 BI : 73/75 ing : 83/80 mat : 63 fis : 64/85 bio : 77/79 kim : 71/86 sej : 80 seni : 70 OR : 74/83 TIK : 82/90 bas : 85/85 kep : 83/82 rata-rata : 79.4 see? gue ada nilai merah 2 dan gue harus berjuang buat tuntas pas semester 2 biar gue naek kelas! aah. jadiny sekarang gue tobad. tiap hari gue belajar, bikin peer. kurang rajin apa gue? pokoknya gue harus naek, gue gamau tau. huh. malemnya gue ke 17th birthday dinner-nya jeanne. *the birthday girl, jeanne PARTY TO THE MAXX!! 06 January 2010, 11:12 AM
2 hari pertama masuk sekolah, rasanya masih pengen libur. tapi seneng juga c bisa ketemu temen". hha. di sekolah juga kerjanya cuma ngobrol aja c, belajarnya juga banyak kog :) btw, another blo post at IYC written by me. read it and comment please i'm still a newbie, jadi butuh advice juga. jujur gue juga belom puas c sama hasil tulisan gue, menurut gue bahasa gue masih baku banget gara" kebiasaan bikin berita jadi rasanya kurang ngalir aja gitu, kurang santai. tapi gue juga masih belajar jadi akan gue coba lagi. semoga lebih baik lagi hasil tulisan gue. akhir-akhir ini gue juga lagi demen sama Owl City. musiknya simple. arti liriknya juga maknanya 'dalem' keg 'Fireflies' dan 'Vanilla Twilight'. ada beberapa lagu juga yang nada dan liriknya lucu n simple keg 'Hello Seattle' atau 'Dental Care'. buat yang bosen dengerin lagu beat keg Lady Gaga atau yang rock keg Kings of Leon, Owl City nih cocok banget buat alternative. try it, cd dapat diperoleh di toko musik terdekat. NO piracy, please! 03 January 2010, 11:46 AM
resolusi tahun baru :)
-be closer to God :) -be a good daughter -be a good sister -be a good friend -be a good girlfriend -be closer to my BFF, girlfriends and boyfriends, besties, friends, online-friends and others -go green and do something that can make Indonesia be a better country -get skinnier -get a good score for my 2nd term report card 11th grade and 1st term report card of 12th grade -be more dilligent -turn to 12th science -get more serious in school -do all my exams and homeworks and get a good score at least 70 -prepare my college at UK or indonesia -use my time properly and not over deadline -finish kumon english -be more active at karang taruna and youth -save some money -buy DSLR camera -buy at least 2 pairs of heels -trip to kota tua with my friends -trip to outbondholic with my friends -update my blog at least twice a week -etc. well, hope that i can fulfill all my resolutions this year :) Labels: life |
we'll never fall
and every step we took we've grownYosephine Setiawan YOKO. 10.10.93 i'm NOT perfect but i'm BETTER than you. simpletalkativeboyish FACEBOOK.TUMBLR.TWITTER.FRIENDSTER.BLOGGER |
forever we'll stay arhee audrey boot chacha indri intan irene josephine-angelia vanvan wishing every moment froze
+ :'( + seventeen + pyramid + farewell + blog's update! + your undeniable magic is the.. + first week :) + rpats (y) + love is forever ♥ + 12th grader! a story that was never told
+ September 2008 + October 2008 + November 2008 + December 2008 + January 2009 + February 2009 + March 2009 + April 2009 + May 2009 + June 2009 + July 2009 + August 2009 + September 2009 + October 2009 + November 2009 + December 2009 + January 2010 + February 2010 + March 2010 + May 2010 + June 2010 + July 2010 + September 2010 + October 2010 + November 2010 keep it going
An accidentality production Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D |
how fast the time has flown |