stones, heavy like the love you've shown
welcome to my little blog ♥
welcome to my blog,
navigations are on left, feel free to read around.
NO spammers. NO rippers. NO copycats.
if you do that, any apologize won't be accepted.
enjoy ♥
navigations are the fours lines of lyrics.
they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top).
20 February 2009, 9:44 PM
gag tawu jdulny ap. piss. ^^
nah. blogging lagy nh guee~ btw gw mawu minta maav sama orang yang mrasa pas baca postingan gw yang sblom ini.. sorry. tapi yah ituh knyataanny c. wkwkwk. lgyan emang banyak yang bilang gtuhh.. hmm~ tadi k skolah pke bju warna pink. okeh. gw mrasa gw girly bangeth klo pake baju pink. tapi tetep aj gw pke hi-top converse coklad gw n ransel ripcurl gw yang warnany coklat juga n uda pna jalan" k BALI tuh tas. hha. tadi pagy c ulangan agama. yahh. mengarang indah lahh gue. trus abis ituh tes kcil kmia. ngarang rumus lah gue. wkwkwk. abis ituh plajaran lewat bagai anginnn~ cuma 3 jem pel c. gw mah ngobrol. gw. agus n suha tuh ngobrol" n maennn. maen tepok nyamukk. seruu yeh. c suha dodol. tyap menang suit khn dy mukul tangan gw. nah dy tuh menang mlulu. pas skliny gw yang mkul, dy kskitannn. hayo! mampus lo su!! wkwkwkwk. ehh qta masi vrend khn su?! wkwkwk. trus abis ituh maen cubit"an n yieaah gw terluka gara" lu su! huh. pas istirahat c gw ngabisin bareng sama BestFriendForeverAlways gue. maenmaen. bcandabcnda. wkwkwkw. uda gtuh qta k aula khn mawu LUSTRUM gtuhh d. btw. SMAK 5 uda umur 15 taon lohhh! cuakakaak. tadi khn acarany cuma kbktian sama prayaan gtuhh. pas talkshow tuh MC ny c asteq n p ari sang guru sjarahhh. astek mah emang paling gokill lahh. tapi gw baru tawu p ari juga gokil. trus uda gtuh votovoto d. tapi gw males uplod. jdi nti aj yehh.. uda aahhh~ gw lagy cakit nh. padahal uda mawu kamp. ahhh. doain gw cpet smbuh yah temandd.Labels: life, school
and every step we took we've grown
Yosephine Setiawan YOKO. 10.10.93
i'm NOT perfect but i'm BETTER than you.
arhee audrey
indri intan irene
+ visit n LSD.
+ vday.
+ sat nite.
+ mimpimimpi.
+ bete bete ahh~
+ tugas. tugas.
+ my sinner.
+ harpitnas!
+ it's raining.. (and flooding?)
+ rapot tralala~
+ September 2008
+ October 2008
+ November 2008
+ December 2008
+ January 2009
+ February 2009
+ March 2009
+ April 2009
+ May 2009
+ June 2009
+ July 2009
+ August 2009
+ September 2009
+ October 2009
+ November 2009
+ December 2009
+ January 2010
+ February 2010
+ March 2010
+ May 2010
+ June 2010
+ July 2010
+ September 2010
+ October 2010
+ November 2010
An accidentality production
Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D