pyramidchariceiyaz shawty's love is like a pyramid | ||||||||
stones, heavy like the love you've shown
welcome to my blog, navigations are on left, feel free to read around. NO spammers. NO rippers. NO copycats. if you do that, any apologize won't be accepted. enjoy ♥ P.S navigations are the fours lines of lyrics. they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top). |
31 December 2008, 7:35 PM
last day 2008.
gag krasa yah udah hari trakhir di taon 2008. uda banyakk buangedh yang trjadi di taon inii~ *unordered list* punya pacar. temen" asik d 9e yang SUPERdebil. lulus ujiann. lulus SMP juga pastiny. ^^ bisa lupa sama sang mantan. menang dramus. perpisahan k bali. jadi pngurus GI. amazing race sama pengurus GI. nonton d bioskop min. 1bln 1x. masuk smak5. ikud MOS yang killer tapi asikk. jdi ank jurnalistik. punya temend" yang okeeh d x1. have a GREAT days with my BFFA. C: niken pergii k sg. dapet hp baruu. my lovely SE w760i. ulangan umumm yang uda gw serahkan hasilny pada DIA. ketemu banyak orang baruu. lburan ntal k puncak. masii banyakk lgyy~ hwhwh. okehh. gw mawu checklist resolusi taon 2008 gw inii. (yang gw tulis taonnn laluu~) blajar tmbah RAJIN.. NO MORE CHEATING..!! gq boroz.. jdi org yang puny xumthing bwad bisa dbnggain.. LULUS SMP dengan nilai bguzz..!! MASUK SMAK 5. okehh. trnyata 10 resolusi utama gw tcapaii dgn CUKUP baikk. hha. gw gag tlalu kcewa c. stdkny 6 dari 10 ituh kesampeann. hmm.. memang ad yang ttep harus gw masukkin lgy k resolusi taonn dpan. malem ni akhn gw abisin buad bkin resolusi baruu. hha. btw. banyakk buangedh yang terjadi di taonn ini. tapi gw BERSYUKUR bangedh smuanya terjadii. karna smua yang terjadi ituh punya makna dan arti sndiri buat gue. smua ituh bkin gw mandiri. gag cengeng lgy. gag trgntung sma orang laenn. gw lbih mawu brusaha. gw lbi menghrgai apa yang gw punya. dan yang pastiny, bkin gw menghargai smua orang yang berperan besar n kcil dalam idup gw inii. peran smua orang ituh ngbwad gw mrasa bharga n dhargai. tapi sampe dtig ni gw masi ngrasa gag ada satu pun dari diri gw yang bisa gw banggain. yang bisa gw kasi trademark. yang bisa gw tunjukkin k smua orang klo 'INILAH YOKO!' ad yang bisa kasi saran n masukan buat gw temand? huahh. pusing. hhe. well, thanks to you all. tunggu postingan gw besokk, guys. that's my new year resolution for 2009. malem taon baru inii.. lagy" d atep rumah sambil liatin kembang api n dngerin ari lasso dari lapiz. wkwk. sala ndiri tuh bkin mall dked hum. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! bonne et heureuse année!! *thanks to anya for the translator~ @20.45 Labels: life 25 December 2008, 10:52 AM
christmas time~
waaaw. udah tanggal 25 lgyy.. cnangss. ^^ ohh yahh. smoga natal taonn ni bixa ngbawa berkat buat qta smuaa yagh. gw nemu lagu bagus nh. lagu lama c. laguny john lennon.. gw suka kata"ny. merry christmas (war is over) so this is Christmas and what have you done another year over and a new one just begun and so this is Christmas I hope you have fun the near and the dear ones the old and the young a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year let's hope it's a good one without any fear and so this is Christmas war is over for weak and for strong if you want it for rich and the poor ones war is over the world is so wrong now and so Happy Christmas war is over for black and for white if you want it for yellow and red ones war is over let's stop all the fight now a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year let's hope it's a good one without any fear and so this is Christmas war is over and what have we done if you want it another year over war is over and a new one just begun now and so Happy Christmas war is over I hope you have fun if you want it the near and the dear one war is over the old and the young now a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year let's hope it's a good one without any fear war is over if you want it war is over now buat yang penasarann, bisa diliat disini. tapi ini versinya maroon 5. okok? ohya. update blogny kegna bkalan telat nh. coz tanggal 28.12.08 - 31.12.08 gw mawu pergii. sorii guys~ c y later. @11.20 24 December 2008, 10:54 AM
award lagyy~
wkwk. thengs a lott~ 1. sebutkan penyanyi pop favoritmu: pop? umm.. ap ia.. gag gtuh dmen lagu pop tuh. 2. apa arti EMO dari menurutmu: orang yang keg uda kgag maw idup tapi dandananny stnga idup gothic ny. KEREN! wkwk. 3. setujukah jika dangdut go-International: gag tawu dahh. tsera aj. hha. 4. koleksi album apa yang kamu miliki: LP. muse. MCR. FOB. yang rock gtuh dehh~ 5. mengapa musik metal selalu teriak teriak (scream): biar dkira suarany lgy serak klii. trus orang pada bli albumny buat ngasi duid biar penyanyiny bli obat batuk! wkwk. 6. sebarkan award ini ke 7 orang: wnaa. vanvan. jkaa. arhee. anya. dvi. yudis. @11.15 Labels: award 23 December 2008, 11:40 AM
rules 1. put the logo in your blog. 2. add a link to the person who shared it with you. 3. pass this award to your BLOG LOVER Friends. 4. add your link to the list of participants below. 5. leave a message for your nominee on their blog. tag : darryl. anya. vanvan. silvie. @11.47 Labels: award 22 December 2008, 10:54 AM
hw againn.
wkwk. gw bkin d.. lgy nganggur nh gw. hha. the rules are simple. use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.” after that tag 7 People. the age of my next birthday : 16. a place i'd like to visit : LONDON. my favourite place : foodcourt. my favourite food : vanilla ice cream. my favourite things : handphone. ipod my favourite colours : blue. red city i was born : jakarta. city that you ever lived in : jakarta. a nickname i had : yokko. name of my love : kimi raikonnen. a bad habits : lazy. stubborn. my hobbies : reading. listening music. wishlists : blue vaio. david cook CD. tag : silvie. velia. vanvan. @12.00 Labels: homework 21 December 2008, 9:13 PM
yippie~ stlah bjuang edid layout sgala macem.. at last gw bhasil mpebaharui blog dudul (tapi gw saiang) iniih! yah ad bbrapa prubahan kcil keg model tulisan sgala macem. buat postingan, gw milih century gothic skrang. kyaaaa~ snang. snang. tralala. trilili. gyahaha. ayo temand".. silahkan dbaca blog ny sesuka hti kaliann.. dun frget drop sum coments! klo mawu d links, tinggalin tag aj yah. okok?! dtunggu loh temand".. @ 21.41 Labels: blog 20 December 2008, 11:36 AM
blog gw buat smentara d CLOSE. gw mawu dkid" ngrubah blog gw. okok? UNDER CONSTRUCTION! *sorry for your inconvenience* re-open as soon as possible. 20.12.08- [11.38] mademoiselle YOKO *mrs jasper david cullen cook. Labels: blog 19 December 2008, 5:27 PM
HW love storyy~
rules 1. everyone who get this award are obliged to write their recent love story & these rules in their new post. 2. everyone who get this award are obliged to tag 7 of your friends who have an unique love story to be shared then they must do what you do as well. love story? wkwkwk. 1. cinta monyed yang BODOH. jdian sama seseorang temen brantem gw yang bernama K. jdianny cuma 1 hari. pas kelas 5 sd. 2. STUPID love. pas gw smp klas 7 sampe klas 9. jdian sama c S. knal pas lgy LDK pmr. jdianny pas tgl 29.03.06 hwhwh. gara" jdian ma dy, gw ilang temen. dy tuh tlalu 'gmana gtuuh' ma gw. sampe gw diomelin sama BFF gw. ckck. jdian 1 taon 3 bulan. putus tgl 11.08.08 huff~ trus semped hts an sama dy sampe tgl brapa gtuh gue lupa.. klo gag sala c ampe gw UAN d. ituh baru gw bner" tottaly 100% lupa sama dy. 3. when enemy became LOVERS. okehh. pas gw putus dari c S, gw smped agk depresii gtuhh. okeh. it's really stupid. trus wktu tuh smped ad yang dmen ma gw. namany B. nah dy tuh pas gw masi jdian ma S ud pdkt gtuh ma gw. dy semped nembak gw 3x. pas ptama khn gw masi jadian ma S. pas yang kdua tuh pas hari ituh juga gw ptus ma S. yang ktiga yahh baru gw trima. tgl 23.12.07. barengan jdianny sama temen gw. gw bner" backstreet sama dy. BFF aj gw gag kasi tawu. jdian 1bln. putus tgl 21.01.08 wkwk. lupa gara" ap. tapi gw bilang c gw cuma jdiin dy plarian aj. hwhw. okeh. gtuh aj d. skarang gw jomblo cing. C: uda ad calon c. wkwk. wish me luckk. tag : velia. FK. silvie. rollz. anya. dryl. deong. 19.12.08- [18.25] mademoiselle YOKKO *mrs jasper david cullen cook. Labels: homework 15 December 2008, 9:20 PM
super but NOT supermassive.
gw KECEWA. gw uda nonton twilight hari nii.. tapi wlopun smua orang bilang bagus, gw kagag mawu nonton 2x byar dbayarin juga. vilm ny tuh gag sesuai dgn ap yang gw imajinasiin gituh. jadi rasany gw kurang worth it gtuhh. emang c critany kurang lbih sama. tapi klo lu baca bukuny.. PASTI lebih baguuuus! gw suqa ama tuh vilm. tapi yang gtu lahh. gw agak gag tertarikk bwad nonton lgy.. well, buat fans sjati film twilight.. maaav! gw lebih suqa bukuny drpd vilmny.. huhu. hmmm.. gw seneng c pas nontonny.. scara gw nonton rame" sama temend" gw jugaa.. ahahaha. cullen family ituh KEREN. i wanna be a part of them. trutama pas lgy maen baseball trus sound ny supermassive black hole ny muse. tapii.. vilmny scara kseluruhann.. SUPER but NOT supermassive. 15.12.08- [21.31] mademoiselle YOKKO *mrs jasper david hale cook. Labels: life 07 December 2008, 1:08 PM
tmen" gw banyakk buangedh yang uda pada nonton TWILIGHT! n gw masi blomm nonton ampe detig nii. grr.. stresss.. kgag boleh nonton nh sblom ulum slese.. huhu. gw ngebet bangedh pgn nontonn.. huhu. cdiii. 07.12.08- [13.15] mademoiselle YOKO *mrs edward david cullen cook. Labels: life 05 December 2008, 1:29 PM
10 FACTS about a girl named YOKKO :: 1. love her FAMILY. saiang bangedh ama kluarga.. i'm nothing w/o them. ^^ 2. love her FRIENDS. esp. her BESTIE n BFFA. temand" sjati untuk menggila bersamaa~ 3. TALKACTIVE. berisik. toa. bawel. suka ngomong. gw bangedh! 4. like to LAUGH. suka ktawa" gaje.. ap juga dktawain. wkwkwk. 5. 110% SANGUINIS. moody. ramah. baeq. crewet. ceria. 6. HYPERACTIVE a.k.a sdikit autis. terlalu bawel. terlalu banyak gerak. terlalu banyak makan. terlalu banyak tiduur. 7. MUSIC is my LIFE. gag bisa konsen klo gag ad lagu. tambah gag bisa diem klo ad lagu. hha. 8. BOOK is EVERYTHING. gag bisa idup klo gag ad buku ato bahan bacaan ato aplah ntah yang bisa dbaca. 9. VANILLA loverss. suka makan sgala apapun yang ad kata vanilla ny. 10. COFFEEholics. kopi. kopi. kopi. enag. trutama starbucks! huehehe. HOMEWORK rules. 1. each blogger must post this rules. 2. each blogger with their random facts/habits about themselves. 3. blogger that are tagged need to write about their own blog about their ten things and post. these rules. you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names. 4. don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and to read you blog. gw trusin HW ny k anya. dryl n silvii. sbnerna c HW gw dari wena ad 2. tapi yang 1 lgy tuh 10 hal yang bkin happy. n gw lgy gag gtu happy hari nii. wkwkwk. klopun ad yang bkin gw happy pun.. gw gag mawu publikasiin. tlalu private. maav smuaaa. 05.11.08- [14.06] mademoiselle YOKKO *mrs. edward david cullen cook. Labels: homework |
we'll never fall
and every step we took we've grownYosephine Setiawan YOKO. 10.10.93 i'm NOT perfect but i'm BETTER than you. simpletalkativeboyish FACEBOOK.TUMBLR.TWITTER.FRIENDSTER.BLOGGER |
forever we'll stay arhee audrey boot chacha indri intan irene josephine-angelia vanvan wishing every moment froze
+ :'( + seventeen + pyramid + farewell + blog's update! + your undeniable magic is the.. + first week :) + rpats (y) + love is forever ♥ + 12th grader! a story that was never told
+ September 2008 + October 2008 + November 2008 + December 2008 + January 2009 + February 2009 + March 2009 + April 2009 + May 2009 + June 2009 + July 2009 + August 2009 + September 2009 + October 2009 + November 2009 + December 2009 + January 2010 + February 2010 + March 2010 + May 2010 + June 2010 + July 2010 + September 2010 + October 2010 + November 2010 keep it going
An accidentality production Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D |
how fast the time has flown |